Sunday, January 29, 2023

My experience with wine thusfar!

You know, as a senior in college, I haven't honestly tried out too many types of wine. I've always stuck to the good 'ol Barefoot and maybe some Franzia. I've always thought of wine as something I'd always want to explore and learn more about as I got older since people always talk about how dinner is so much better with a glass of red. Well, I guess my wish got fast-tracked a bit since I now have the opportunity to learn more about it through this course.

I actually grew up in a strictly sober family where drinking wine (well anything) was frowned upon. I held those ideals for a good three days of my time at university until my buddy Connor passed me a cup of beer at my very first frat party. Boom, I had changed. I stuck with beer and a couple liquors until pretty much the end of freshman year when the girl I liked at the time introduced me to the wonderful world of champagne in the form of the glorious mimosa. 

Since then, I've slowly but surely started to look more into wines and their types and was essentially addicted to documentaries on the History channel about how wine was made. So as a senior in college, I'm a bit knowledgeable about the subject and have had my fair share of cheaper wines, which I've mainly drank to get a little turnt. I'm always looking for ways to deepen my appreciation for this incredible beverage. I'm eager to see where my wine journey will take me next and can't wait to try new and exciting varieties in the future. Let's see where this class takes me!

Wine Dinner Blog #2!

My friends and I went out to Wine Lab for our wine dinner. We started by looking over the list of flights that our sever Julia provided us a...